SSVP is celebrating 190 years of its foundation
On April 23, a Holy Mass will be broadcasted live on Ozanam TV to the whole world
On Sunday, April 23rd, at 3:30 pm (Paris time), a Holy Mass of Thanksgiving will be celebrated for the 190th anniversary of the foundation of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul and the 210th anniversary of the birth of Blessed Antoine-Frederic Ozanam.
The celebration is being organized by the Council General International and the National Council of France. The entire event will be broadcasted live on FACEBOOK and Ozanam TV channels in four languages: French, English, Spanish and Portuguese.
Andrés Motto, spiritual adviser of the Council General, and Jean-François Desclaux, spiritual adviser of the French Council, both Lazarists, will celebrate the mass which will take place in St. Stephen’s on the Mount Church (Saint-Étienne-du-Mont), where the first Conference was founded. Today, two Conferences are active in this parish, one of which is composed of youth.
For the Vincentians who will be attending the event, before mass, there will be a presentation on “Ozanam’s Political Thought” by Charles Vaugirard, author of the book of the same title (2021). The writer has degrees in Law and History, and his favorite subjects are Christian democracy and the social doctrine of the Church. There will also be a short pilgrimage to the Church of St. Medard.
After the celebration, there will be a visit to Saint Rosalie Parish (where the CGI recently inaugurated a plaque and a bust alluding to Ozanam). A visit will also be made to the headquarters of the Council General to view the “Ozanam Historic Space” and for Vincentian get-together afterwards.
The links will be active on the Ozanam TV channels on FACEBOOK about 15 minutes before the mass starts. Europe is on daylight saving time, so you need to check the correct time that the Holy Mass will be broadcasted in each country in the world. Don’t miss it!