Međunarodni dan mladih SSVP- a

Dear Vincentian,

Tomorrow, July 4th, we are celebrating the SSVP’s INTERNATIONAL YOUTH DAY, established by the Council General International (CGI).

Our dear 16th President General, fellow member Renato Lima de Oliveira, addresses some very special words to all the young Vincentians who are part of the 48,000 Conferences of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SSVP).

President General’s message focuses on the importance of youth to our SSVP: “Without youth, our rules die out, our procedures become stale, our energy diminishes, our joy fades away, our charity gets mechanized. The presence of young Vincentians among us is essential for the survival of our institution”.

Following this message, there is also a letter from fellow member Willian Alves, International Vice-President for Youth, Children and Adolescents, which spells out the commemoration of this day, under the theme “Sharing Hope and Charity”. Enjoy the reading!

We kindly request that these two texts be widely disseminated within the SSVP, particularly among youth committees and young Vincentians.

Fraternal regards

Stéphane   JOACHIM
Resource Coordinator
Confédération Internationale de la Société de Saint-Vincent-de-Paul
65 Rue de la Glacière – 75013 Paris – France
Tél : +33 (0) 1 53 45 90 33  – Fax : +33 (0) 1 42 61 72 56



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